Learn, Lactate, Grow
Learn Lactate Grow: Breastfeeding Village is an organization dedicated to reclaiming village support that centers Black and brown families who have been historically and currently marginalized by systems of oppression. We serve Oakland County with an infinite focus on the Greater Pontiac Area. We have charged ourselves with ensuring birthing families have access to the services necessary to birth and breastfeed safely. As an active member of the community, we are knowledgeable about the issues that impact birthing and parenting families and our care reflects their direct needs. Learn Lactate Grow does this work alongside families and community members. It is our desire to assist our community in learning, lactating, and growing to achieve empowerment in their parenting while strengthening our local communities.
Mission: Learn Lactate Grow knows and understands the importance of support and places special emphasis on minorities, prioritizing mental health in breastfeeding and birthing as well as partner inclusivity in all aspects of parenting.
Service model: Centering Black and brown families in birth and breastfeeding care that is culturally relevant and evidence-based, regardless of age, education, or income level. Learn Lactate Grow currently offers the following childbirth, lactation, and postpartum support services:
- Birthing classes/Lamaze services
- Birth/postpartum doula services
- Lactation classes/counseling
- Mama’latte – support group dedicated to Black and brown pregnant and parenting persons
- Java Jam – father centered support group with mental health services
- Lactate Café – space in which families and friends can come together to learn how to best be of support to birthing and parenting families
- Monthly coalition meeting
- Safe sleep/parenting counseling
- Child Care
- Early childhood enrichment
- Young Parent Support
- Generational Educating
- Celebrating lactation Milestones
Successes to date:
- Member of the 2021 CORE Cohort
- Racial Equity Young Parents and Child Care Fund Awardee
- Bed of Mine Bundles to promote safe sleep practices
- Planning committee Member for Bridging the Breastfeeding Gap 2020 and 2021
Leadership represents residents of the greater Pontiac area including a wide range of birth justice advocates. Lori W. CCHW, IBCLC, Birth/Postpartum Doula is an active birth and breastfeeding worker within Oakland County, a child care provider, a community health worker, International Board Certified Lactation Counselor (IBCLC), and birth/postpartum doula. Lori is a trusted provider who has worked consistently within her community, centering Black families as both a small business owner and an advocate for those she cares for and serves.
- Michigan Breastfeeding Network
- Oakland County Breastfeeding Coalition
- Black and Indigenous Leaders of the CORE Cohort
- Birth Detroit
- Jonathan Walker Southfield Firefighter/EMT/CPR Instructor
Our Vision for the Future:
- Creating a safe space for Black and brown families to dialogue, make community connections, and become equipped with the knowledge to reclaim the right to birth safely and breastfeed unapologetically
- Building villages of community for Black and brown fathers to support them through their parenting journey
- Combating high infant sleep mortality rates in Pontiac through parenting and safe sleep counseling that centers families through knowledge not fear
- Generational Education and Support